Pound Cake Experts delivers pound cakes like mom & grandma used to make plus adds fun-filled flavors that all ages enjoy.

Pound Cake Experts was created by Sandy Duncan in Frisco, TX. Sandy was a native of Omaha, Nebraska before relocating to Texas, where she got her first start in the kitchen with her mom at an early age. Barely reaching the oven doors to bake pound cakes as a child, she learned mouthwatering secret recipes, and outside the box creativity so her pound cakes stood out above the rest! Sandy’s mom knew immediately there was something extraordinary about Sandy’s work ethics, results driven spirit as a proud little girl baking and started training her to dream big, work hard, and carry on a legacy that would eventually inspire her to represent the first branded foray into the pound cake market.

Once old enough to move away from home, Sandy went on to work for a catering company where her passion for baking grew stronger. Pound cakes carried sentimental value; the name itself stimulated memories of an old fashion comfort food, and a dessert she had been enjoying since she was a little girl. After receiving her master’s degree, Sandy transitioned to a career in corporate America. Nonetheless, her mom’s delectable recipes still scented the air and filled stomachs as she served pound cakes to her family at Sunday dinners, friends, church potlucks, birthday baskets, and get-well gifts.

After losing her father unexpectantly in 2017, Sandy wanted to make sure her mom was well taken care of and started thinking of ways to supplement her income and Pound Cake Experts took flight! Sandy decided to introduce her made-from-scratch delicious pound cakes to the community by creating a mobile business! Pound Cake Experts was first introduced at neighborhood fairs, barbershops, beauty salons and exploded when patrons wanted large order of pound cakes. She went on to sold out during local fairs and festivals, and even a flood of phone calls to request special shipments both locally throughout Texas, and state to state!

Fall in love at first bite! We make pound cake great… bringing back the homemade tastes of childhood, comfort food, imagination, and fellowship!
Pound Cake Experts superlative flavors are convenient after dinner, office parties, business meetings, holidays, and every day in between.
Tired of sending flowers fruits.

Sending pound cakes is sending something really special!